My Videos

Home In The Meadow

Here's a video from my latest album "Legends of the West".

" A Single Yellow Rose"

I wrote this song shortly after my mother passed away in 1996. Regrettably she never got to see my record my first album.

" Standing In The Light Of His Grace "

This is my first video from my first gospel album " Standing In The Light " This video was produced in Nashville, TN.

" The Snowman "

This is one of my favorite songs I've written. From my 2nd Christmas album "The Snowman" is a heartwarming song I know you'll enjoy.

" What Do You Do With A Broken Heart "

This is a song I wrote and is on my album 

"Montana, The Big Sky Country". This song

is a ballad about my daughters and the

sadness of losing loved ones due to divorce.

" Lady Liberty Weeps "

On September 11th, 2001 a great tragedy struck this country

when 2 planes struck the World Trade Center in New York City.

I watched in disbelief as it happened and touched by what

I saw , I sat down and wrote two songs. This song was the first

to honor and remember that moment. As a nation may we never forget.

" Will You Marry Me "

On October 13th, 2013 I was fortunate enough to finally

marry the love of my life. She was the one I let slip away

at a earlier time in my life. She was the one that haunted

my dreams, the one I could never forget. I searched to try

and find her for twenty - five years to no avail and finally

we reunited in 2012 and in 2013 I asked her:

" Will You Marry Me "

" I Never Even Got The Chance To Say Goodbye "

In the last five years alone I've lost people who were

very important in my life. First I lost my oldest sister

and my dad who both died of covid only three days

apart. Then just last year in 2024 my youngest brother

passed away. I know as we get older we're bound

to lose family and friends but it never gets easier.

The hardest part is when you lose them suddenly

and you never get the chance to say goodbye and

that you love them.

" A Wonderland Christmas "

One of my favorite Christmas songs I've written is

a soothing ballad about a town that holds the spirit

of Christmas in their hearts the whole you. The melody

is one that tugs at you heart and mind.